Friday, 27 December 2024

Closing Out 2024

Every year begins with a new step. There's the excitement and trepidation on what's to come. This time, in the family, we planned our schedules around the youngest son. From fetching him to school and tuition classes, supporting him through rugby competition and watching his diet, no effort was spared to provide the best possible environment to prepare for PSLE. We wanted him to learn well, eat well and sleep well. It's good in a way there was a routine. Thankfully, the result was a great one. The eldest son started his diploma course and glad to say that he's adapted nicely after some transition struggles. Now, he's made a few friends and becoming mature. Strapped usually with his headphone on, I think he finds comfort and engage in simple conversation when needed to. As for the second son, he's the more socially capable one. Generally more active and independent, I try to keep up with him lest he gets restless. Academically, he's due for a change next year as he got accepted into the IB program.

It gives me a little thrill to know that my cooking skills have improved (compared to a prior mention here). Previously, the number of dishes I could confidently make were counted within two hands. As we ate mostly at home over the weekend, it was an opportunity to try new recipes and methods. My repertoire expanded with oven baked items and better seasoning combinations. Whipping up a quick three dish meal comes easy now. For the first time, I prepared a pot of spaghetti bolognaise for my colleagues and received positive feedback. This gave me motivation to learn more going forward.

As usual, there were few good things and few not-so-good ones. I am still learning things about myself. There were times when friends said I looked tired. Indeed, the body does not lie and I needed to clear my mind. This was what led to more golf and runs. Then, the thought of just putting things down and leaving the job did occasionally flash by. But I'm not ready. A stronger financial foundation is required. This is an endurance journey that only I can walk by myself. At this point, it's about waiting for that fork in the road to appear so that a decision can be made and alter the course of the present.

Keep the happy moments to lift the spirit, stick to positive thoughts and share the goodness with people you love.

Tip: Felline Zinfandel 2018, rum raisin, beautiful age, smooth with a tasty edge

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