Thursday 15 August 2024

Finance Investment Movement 48

I had a lunch gathering and there were people of various ages. We started off commenting on how the thinking differs across generations especially with regard to work attitudes. Then it spawned the curiosity on the definition of Gen X, Y, Z, Millenial, Alpha, Beta etc... I wonder who came up with these classifications where there's no easy way to definitively pinpoint the exact crossover. It's also difficult to remember how the ages are defined from start to end of a generation. The conversation drifted to the next election and the impression of our newly installed Prime Minister. On this, there was surprising consensus. LKY set the standard, LHL did an admirable job to maintain much of it and LW is an unknown for now. Just based on his last few public addresses, everyone agreed that LW lacked a certain finesse. He's trying hard but perhaps a little too hard in his delivery to the point of being unnatural. People don't feel his sincerity but this might be unfair to judge. Hence, the next cabinet lineup would be crucial as a stabilizer. We felt it's better to retain much of the older ministers even if some of them have indicated a wish to stand down.

I hope LW plays his cards right. The consequences are considerable. Singapore needs an ever flowing stream of investors to sustain employment, promote trade, keep social harmony, maintain economic competitiveness and give hope to the next generation. Housing and aging population are two topics that LW will address in his next public speech. In Chinese, there's a saying, "万事俱备,只欠东风 Preparations are ready, only the East wind is lacking." The Olympics success is that wind in the sail, pun intended, that gives him the perfect platform. Here's a young man with an inspirational story. Present it well and LW will build trust and go into the next election with confidence. There is no room for failure. The pressure is on him to polish up before this Sunday and deliver an above average performance. The stock, bond and currency markets will give their verdict the next day.

Tip: De Dassault 2013, dried petals, peach perfume, chocolate and a light touch

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