Wednesday 15 November 2023

Finance Investment Movement 39

Given the current state of global economy, it's difficult to predict amid many significant factors in play at the same time. Over the past month, I gather there's two wars, uneven corporate results, multiple ongoing trade politicking, high profile bankruptcies and persistent interest rates. To make things worse, the weather in Singapore was scorching and I see food inflation everywhere. Well, my wallet's mood isn't that good at the moment. Sure, there are always two sides to a coin. One could read this as a volatile environment, either ripe with opportunities or traps. Singapore, being the sampan in the sea (as what DPM Heng described), has to find a way to stay afloat in the changing tides. This is how I feel about my portfolio as well. I reviewed my assumptions of a mild recession this year and concluded it won't happen. But what about next year?

Therefore, the challenge now is to build up my net asset value when investments are marked down while expenses climbed. Luckily, there's comfort in the strong SGD and having disposable income although the former is surely a temporary effect. So I have been looking for places to park cash and then two heroes, Scb and Hsbc, stepped forward with offers of 3.7% yield in return for $100k deposits. The timing is not ideal as I don't have enough floating cash to move around. I did a redemption of an older SSB to reinvest into the next tranche. Put together, it's almost at the halfway mark of achieving my goal of $250 payout per month. I'm putting some renovation on hold as the quotation is quite steep but likely only delayed for another few months. Meanwhile, a TCM package was purchased for $500 which I consider as money well spent!

Tip: Harugokoro Tokubetsu Junmai Another Series, a slow burner that shows soft water and minerals

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