Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Thanks, Covid.

The Covid-19 situation has definitely brought about a rethink of how our lives should be. It's been 43 days since movement restrictions were imposed. During this period, while everyone is still adjusting to the new way of life, there have been more unpleasant news but I feel it's expected.

So, rather than dwell on what-ifs, I'm going to share the positive aspects of this situation.

1) More time spent with the family and putting our hands together to learn new recipes
2) Reading more topics (mostly online) and having the space to think
3) Exploring investment ideas
4) Work from home has become a reality where previously it was disapproved by the boss
5) Planning the details for next vacation
6) Lesser load of washings
7) Breathing cleaner air
8) Receiving surprise gifts from friends
9) Finding lots of discounts across everything
10) Setting up a blog

Looking at other countries and then ourselves, what's the fuss of being holed up at home most of the time? You are safe, can rest well, there is no protest on the streets and away from the wicked work pace.

Bottomline is, we should be grateful for sprinkles of contentment. I know I am.

Tip: Matcha tea latte, home made.